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Friday, 27 September 2013

Now, This is Bravery in the Real Sense of the Word

Portia Walton runs for the safety of Kenya mall hero Abdul Haji. The Waltons have now shared their harrowing tale, giving backstory to this now-iconic photo
A Somali Muslim has been hailed a hero after rescuing a mother and her three daughters from the Nairobi shopping mall as gunmen threw grenades and sprayed bullets yards away.

Katherine Walton feared she and her children would not get out alive after becoming trapped under a table outside a supermarket in the Westgate complex.
But they were saved by Abdul Haji, the son of a former Kenyan security minister, who bravely ushered them to safety as he fired back at the terrorists with a handgun.
His identity has now been revealed after his story was immortalised in an iconic photograph which shows him reaching out to Mrs Walton's four-year-old daughter Portia as she runs away with fear etched on her face.
Clikc here to read more and see additional photos of Abdul Haji in action.

Thanks Abdul Haji for being different like many others would be in such a situation.  You've proven that true muslims don't support the killing of innocent people in the name of religion.  May Allah reward your selflessness and your deed of kindness with his bountiful blessings.

Culled from:

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Types of Men - Part 1

There are many types of men out there in the dating world.  Although a man can be one or more combinations of the following, there’s the one trait that will always predominate. Which of the following aptly describes your “Knight in Shining Armour”? 

Mr. Player

This guy is also called the honeymooner because of the length of time things remained fabulous while dating him. The first few weeks or months of dating were absolute bliss. This guy starts off real aggressive, hot and heavy. He can't see you often enough, calls all the time and declares his love for you early on. He's so romantic, thoughtful and attentive that you think you've hit the love jackpot and won real big time. He woos you with promises of a happy future together, taking you to great hotspots, cooking you dinner, and being that great listener who wants to share your hopes and dreams. At some point, you couldn't believe your luck and think he seems too good to be true. Well, he is. This guy is a classic neophiliac. He loves the thrill of the chase, and is enamored with the novelty of you. Once that has worn off and he has gotten what he wants, he sets his sights on the next pretty girl. How to protect yourself from this guy? Don't fall for the lines and behavior right away. Take your time before investing your heart and proceed slowly. Make sure that he means what he says. And the best way to do that is to let time take the lead and guide you. Usually these guys don't want to put in the works towards developing anything long term so you'll know in a short period of time if his words mean anything.  But if you insist he's 'the one', then please follow your heart.

Mr. Afraid of Commitment

You go on a great couple of dates, you have things going wonderfully, you feel the chemistry, you click on so many different levels.  Or so you thought.  And then you never hear from him again. He's never able to discuss his feelings or freaks out and distances himself when you express how your feelings for him have grown. He's truly afraid of intimacy and what it brings. So, you try not to pressure him and accept the flow of things because you think maybe if you give him time he'll come around and choose you. You may be involved with a guy who falls in this category for months or even years and whenever the subject of a future together pops up, he asks you what's the rush, says he's not ready, he needs more time, etc. Whatever his excuse is for not committing, it is tying you to a relationship that has hit a brick wall. The relationship either moves forward or it does not. It is his right to stay in limbo but then it is also your right not to have to wait around for him to commit. You can either chose to move on or at least date others in the interim until he does figure out what he wants. He may never figure it out or choose you but at least you aren't wasting precious dating years on an emotionally stunted and unavailable guy. Some men just can't commit, are players, have fears of commitment due to bad past relationships, want to remain bachelors, or like you but not enough to choose you for a committed, long lasting relationship. If only you could tap into the mind of his therapist for his reasons for pushing away many good women who have loved him. But, the real deal is, when a guy is head over heels for a woman and loves her fully, he does not want to lose her and would rather step to the plate and commit than risk her walking out of his life. If he's willing to watch you walk away, you know it's time to kick him to the curb and keep on stepping.  But if you have the time to wait around for him to ‘come around’, then you may as well do so.

Mr.  Handy

He will paint your home, take out the trash, go grocery shopping, do the dishes, and fix your appliances and / or your car, etc., and loves doing it. He is very useful around the house.  Mr. Handy will bring you breakfast in bed, and generally do the house chores without you asking him.  This guy respects you and is not to be avoided. You may want to put Mr. Handy to work while you've got him.

Mr. Flake

This one is characterized by constantly flaking out on you at the proverbial eleventh hour. He habitually stands you up, blows you off or shows up late to most of your dates.  He does not have respect for your time and plans and doesn’t seem to be bothered by his actions. Bottom line, he does not respect you and does not care whether or not you are in his life.  If you like your feelings being trampled upon at will, then stick with Mr. Flake.

Mr.  Parasite

This guy needs you to pay for everything; your dates with him, shopping at the mall, etc.  He’ll not hesitate to take your money if you offered or see anything wrong in asking you for money even if you have to borrow.  In a nutshell, Mr. Parasite doesn’t mind being a kept man.  This kind of guy will do anything just to please you as long as you will always be at the paying end when cost is involved.  If you don’t mind having a ‘kept’ man in your life, or think nothing of his behavior even when he's pushed you into debt, then Mr. Parasite is the guy for you. 

Mr. Sports Fanatic

He will always watch the game, no matter what. The glee he exudes when his favorite game is about starting is beyond human comprehension.  Never you mess with his TV or with him when the game is on!  Sports are the 'other woman' in his life besides you and he could actually dump you because of ‘her’ if caution isn’t exercised.  If you don’t mind that nearly 100% of his attention will be on ‘her’ whenever ‘she’s’ around, then a relationship with Mr. Sports Fanatic can work.

Mr. Taken

Whether this guy is involved in another relationship with a girlfriend or wife, he should be off limits. Yet so many women are lured by the seduction of his words and think he'll eventually dump the other woman and choose them. They are told the other woman is a witch, mean, does not understand them, is psycho and won't leave him alone. Mr. Taken will say to you that his relationship with the wife or girlfriend has a lot of problems, they fight constantly, he is no longer sleeping with the girlfriend or wife, he's staying only for financial reasons or the children. The trump lie: divorce is on the cards or he's planning on leaving his wife or girlfriend very soon and he wants you to just exercise a little bit more patience. Now, it’s been months or even years and his promise never seem to be anywhere near materializing. Women are nurturers by nature.  They want to take care of other people. Many feel that they can prove that with affection, attention and caring that they are different than the other person in his life and that is what he really needs. The nurturing nature in women leads them to swallow his lies, hook, line and sinker. A relationship based on a deception is not one that can have a real future because if he can cheat on or lie to someone else to be with you, he can also do the same thing to you in the future.  Don’t deceive yourself into believing you are special and the exception; if you do, then you are living in a fantasy world. Don’t hang around nurturing a relationship that never even existed in the first place. If, as he claimed, he’s truly in an unhappy relationship or marriage and truly cared about you, he'd end his other relationship before beginning one with you. The best way to avoid this scenario will be to tell him to contact you once he's ended his other relationship and not a day before. And, stick to that. Don't be afraid to tell him that if he continued to contact you that you will tell his girlfriend or wife about the two of you. That fear is enough to make most taken guys run for the hills. If you find out later in the relationship that he isn’t single like he claimed, end it immediately and don't look back. You’ll be doing what’s called ‘dating with integrity’. A relationship with Mr. Taken is toxic and will only erode your self-esteem, self-love, and self-confidence.  Do all that’s within your power to end it otherwise you’ll lose yourself in the process. When you allow yourself to enter a relationship based on a deception where you are not his main priority, you are setting yourself up for being used. He's not into you; he's just into how he can use you to give him what he is not getting at home from the girlfriend or wife.

Mr. Cheat

This guy will cheat on you, no matter what. You will never at any time be the only woman in his life.  But try not to take his cheating personally because he cheats on everyone. Cheating comes naturally to him, like breathing.  As far as he's concerned, it is a right.  As it is, cheating is synonymous with lying. So whether you realize it or not, truth is he cheats on and lies to you and the other women too; ALL the time.  So, if you can condone being cheated on and lied to, here’s the right guy for you.

Mr. Dictator

He runs the show, period.  At work, home, and in a relationship, he dictates the pace of everything. And that includes your right to even speak.  Everything must go his way or be thrown away all the time.  If you like being controlled to an inch of your life, Mr. Dictator is your pick.

Mr. Bully

This guy is also a dictator only he’s a fiery-tempered one. He will scream or threaten, and/or go into a fit of rage at the slightest hint of opposition. You may leave home with him facing  'one' direction but may return facing 'seven'. He bullies everybody around him.  He has a lot of testosterone, and likes to physically fight. Mr. Bully can fight with anyone at anytime and anywhere.  If you don’t mind entertaining total strangers to a free show of strength, albeit you could be hurt in the process, or the shame associated with being publicly berated/belittled, then the bully fits you.

 Mr. Mummy

This one will never leave his mother.  Because he loves his mother too much, he tends to respect women.  He could still be living at home in his thirties. He will agree with everything you say, and do whatever you want at all times.  He is a pleaser, and must always have a woman in his life probably to mother him. Do all the mothering you can for him, but never in the process mess with the relationship between him and his mother. If your optimal desire is to be a mother to your guy alongside your off-springs, then this one is the right man for you.


It didn’t end here.  Stay tuned for Part 2.


Tuesday, 24 September 2013

What to NEVER Say to Your Boyfriend

When you are in a relationship, it is true that you should have the freedom to self-express.  You should be able to say what you really feel at all times to your partner when you are in a loving relationship.  But there are certain things that are a no-no.  No matter how grounded your relationship is, there are certain things you should never say to your man in the name of self-expression. Ladies, nothing kills a relationship faster than saying things you are not supposed to say to your boyfriend.  Have you ever seen your boyfriend’s countenance change from happy to angry or sad in the middle of a conversation?  Then you must have mouthed something unpalatable to his hearing.  What you think is a harmless statement, comment or observation may actually serve the purpose of a death sentence pronouncement to your relationship.
Below are some things you should never say to your boyfriend: 

That Your Friend Seems Like an Idiot: Your boyfriend is aware that one of the key steps to take in order to give a relationship some degree of seriousness is introducing you to his friends.  So he has taken the pains to introduce you to his ‘Best Friend’, possibly from childhood days, and the best utterance you could come up with is 'that  friend of yours seems like an idiot' just after meeting him for the first time.  Sister, men like their friends a whole lot and will not take it kindly with anyone that condemns their friends. 

That must be Your Ex:  You are together on a date and his phone rings but he didn’t pick the call.  He probably didn’t because he wants all his attention focused on you.  He wants the date to be just about you and him; and you conclude it is his Ex calling him.  This attitude will succeed in telling him you don't trust him.

What’s that You are Wearing?:  Your boyfriend has painstakingly ‘dressed to kill’ because he’s taking you out on a date and the next thing that comes out from your mouth upon sighting him is ‘darling, what’s that you are wearing?’ If you are not taken by how he’s dressed, there must be a subtler way of letting him know than just blurting it out in such an unkind manner.

That’s a Total Failure Already:  Guys are generally competitive in nature especially when it comes to succeeding at what they do.  They always want to stay ahead of the ‘pack’ be it being the first to own the latest car, own a house, having the best ideas or trying out new business innovations. When he lets you in on his new business plan, be a little patient and not jump to conclusions that it’s a failed venture already.  If there’s anything you don’t agree with, explain that to him in clear and not derogatory terms.

You should have picked the ‘Red’ One:  The guy coughed up some dough and bought you a very expensive gift. As a thank-you, you berated him for not buying a certain color.  In essence you are telling him that he can never please you no matter what he does for you or how hard he tries.

My Ex is this, My Ex is that:  You think it is funny to inundate him with tales about your ex or that it will make him try to outdo your ex in loving you?  Guys don’t find it funny when they are being compared with others.  Constantly talking to him about and praising your ex is not going to make him try harder to show he can love you better.  In fact, it is a sure fire way to kill your relationship as it will make him feel he can never measure up to your ex.  Well, if your ex was all you said he is, then why is he an ex?

No, don’t… I’ll do it myself:  When your guy tries to show off his protective instincts, do not deter him by going all so ‘independent’ on him.  Guys generally like being in control and like feeling they control the course of the relationship.  They also like playing a significant role in your life by reaching out to help once in a while.  So when your guy offers to help you in anyway and you reject it, he feels emasculated.  Also you succeed in making him think you see him as more of a fiend than a friend or that he’s not capable of anything.
You have not done that, So I'll not Do this: Because your boyfriend did not meet certain demands, you, in retaliation, will not do certain things.  This will make your relationship a tit for tat activity.  Also, your guy will be made to feel you are with him for what he can do for you only and nothing more.  Guys like to feel they mean much more to you than just someone you use for meeting your demands.

So my dear ladies, try to avoid using the above statements at all cost. For no matter how grounded you feel your relationship is, there’s a limit to what a guy can condone.  And before you know what's happening, your guy is gone leaving you wondering what went wrong.

Monday, 23 September 2013

15th Wife? Are You Kidding Me?

Swaziland’s King Mswati III has reportedly chosen an 18-year-old beauty pageant contestant as his 15th wife, a palace spokesman said Tuesday, days before a much-criticised parliamentary vote.

Mswati, a 45-year-old who is sub-Saharan Africa’s last absolute monarch, introduced Sindiswa Dlamini at a Reed Dance celebration over the weekend, Mtetwa told AFP.  She wore red feathers on her head — a sign of royalty.  The young woman graduated from Mbabane’s St. Francis High School last year and is a finalist in the Miss Cultural Heritage beauty pageant which winner will be announced on September 28.

The king, who has steadfastly resisted reforms, has come under fire for his household’s lavish lifestyle while the tiny mountain kingdom’s 1.2 million people struggle to make a living.  Mswati reportedly has a personal fortune of around $200 million (152 million euros) and the UN estimates that 70 percent of his 1.2 million subjects live below the poverty line.

The weekend’s celebrations were a smaller repeat of last month’s official annual Reed Dance, where young virgins from across the kingdom gather and dance for the king.

It would be recalled that three wives left the household in recent years. The latest, Queen LaGija, fled the palace in 2012 claiming years of physical and emotional abuse.  Another queen, LaDube, was reportedly abused after she was caught in bed with the justice minister, a close friend of the king.
Mswati had kidnapped and married the queen when she was 16 in 2005.

The monarch’s colourful private life is said to be off-limits in local media, but has drawn a lot of international interest.  "It just happened that the international community was there to witness the event," said Mtetwa.

The question on my lips is, where are the parents of these girls?  When will the use of women as playthings by african men stop?

LOL.... What's Going on Here?

A photograph of the white Muslim convert who planned to murder Prince Harry shows him posing on a beach with women in niqabs and stockings.

Ashraf Islam, formerly known as Mark Townley, planned to murder Prince Harry, who he said 'had blood in his hands' for being a veteran in Afghanistan, before handing himself over to the police after he became 'scared and nervous' to carry out the dastardly act.

Is this how the 70 virgins he's promised in 'Paradise' are dressed?

Adapted from:

Well.... He's Just Not All That Into You

You are with this new guy who you are really interested in but he doesnt seem to be responding to you with the same amount of enthusiasm you wish. He may see or even call you occasionally, possibly at your suggestion, or may only be calling you late on a Friday night for a last-minute date. You don't like it but you continue to make excuses for his behavior and believe that the longer you hold on or he’s around you, the better the chance is of his falling in love with you. Unfortunately, the truth may be that he’s just not into you. Check out these telltale signs that he’s not into you to and decide if it’s time to forget him and move on.
He doesn't want to be around you
When a guy is into a woman, he does whatever it takes to make time to see her. He makes a serious effort to plan time to be together with her. If you find you are the only one calling, inviting him over or planning your meetings and he is just going along with it half-heartedly, then he's just not that into you. Stop calling, planning and inviting and see what happens. If he's into you, he will call and invite you but if you don't hear from him, you know it is time to move on.
He always has an Excuse
Just how many times can you believe that the guy you are seeing has to work late or isn't feeling well or visiting his 'sick granny'? When a guy is avoiding you, he thinks it's better to make excuses instead of hurting your feeling by stating outright that he isn't into you. If he's too busy to see you at the beginning of the relationship, then it's obvious he won't have time for you later on either. Take the hint and look for a man who really is into you.
He forgets important things you tell him
A guy who is interested in you will make sure to remember your favorite flower, food, perfume or that special drink you always order. He will also pay attention when you tell him you are up for a promotion at work or that you mentioned the last time you spoke that you were having a headache. If your guy is always asking what you want to drink when you go out, doesn't ask about your promotion or if your headache is gone, then he's not the one for you.
He says he just wants to be friends
Yes, ladies, when a guy says he only wants to be friends, he means it. No matter how sexy your new dress is, no matter how often you 'accidently' bump into him when out on the town, you are not going to change his mind. Even if he does ask you to go to a movie or club with him – he means as a friend only. A guy who is into you will not say he just wants to be friends, so if the guy you like says this, believe him and give up thinking that you could be more than just friends. Unless you can accept to be just friends too, it will be time to move on.
He looks at other women when he's with you
When a guy is interested in the woman he is with, he doesn't crane his neck or look over your shoulder to catch a glimpse of the woman behind you in the tight dress. His eyes and attention should be on you, and only you. If your guy is checking out every cute woman who passes your table when you are out together, then he is not that into you.
He thinks your girlfriend is hotter than you
A man who is into you will never look you in the face and say your girlfriend has it better on the looks stake than you.  Instead, he will have respect for you feelings and will make extra efforts not to hurt them by not expressing his observations.  If your guy ogles your friends, compliments and compares their looks with yours, it is clear he's not all that into you. 
When a guy is not into you, that's it, he is not into you.  Don't remain in the state of denial. The earlier you accept reality and make efforts to move on, the better it will be for you.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

How to Tell He Does Not Love YOU

We all at some point want to love and be loved back in return, thus, when you are in love with a man, it is only natural that you want him to feel exactly the same way about you. Unless he's constantly telling you how he feels, it's really difficult to know. You can gain a lot of insight by the way he behaves when he's with you. There are some telltale signs he does not love you anymore that you should be aware of. Sometimes we can tell when something is wrong in our relationships even before it is put into words.  And while some men have gone the cruel route of bluntly telling their partners "I don't love you anymore", others will only admit this through their behavior.  Like the old adage says, "actions speak louder than words", so we can often draw from his actions or treatment of you what he is really feeling about you.

Given below are some signs that he does not love you.

  • You are dressed to the nines to impress him.  You got you a new 'do and bought yourself and LBD (Little Black Dress) that cost a fortune because he once mentioned in passing that the color black suits you.  You wore it to that date you practically 'forced' on him but he never seems to even notice it.
  • You are the one who is always calling him on phone. You initiate all contacts or conversations with him. Times without number, he ignores your calls and does not bother to call you back. If you are lucky he called back and you as much as questioned him about this behavior, he'll either snap at you or say he's busy or that you are demanding too much attention from him.  A man who loves you would want to talk to you on a regular basis and will appreciate your wanting to stay in touch regularly too.
  • He does not include you in his plans or make efforts to meet you regularly. Does he even ask you out for a date? Or does he ask as per his convenience? If he's constantly making plans that don't include you, it's one of the signs he does not love you. Men want to be around the women they love as much as they possibly can.  If he schedules time with his friends more often than he sets aside time for you, he's not as committed as you may think.
  • He does not take any interest in you or your activities or put efforts to make you happy.  A man in love with you would want to know what your plans are, whether for something as ordinary as the weekend or something as extraordinary as your future.
  • He does not even bother to introduce you to his family or friends. If he must, he'll introduce you as just a friend.  He also avoid being with you in places where anyone might notice him with you.  Another sign that he's less invested in the relationship is if he shies away from introducing you to his family. If you've questioned him on this and he has a long list of excuses, take that as a sign that he's just not at the stage where he wants you to meet the people closest to him.
Another of the signs he does not love you focuses on the depth of his interest in your life. When a man is crazy about the woman in his life he naturally wants to know ALL there is to know about her. He asks about her job, how her day went and just how she feels generally about things. Her opinion is incredibly important to him. If your boyfriend rarely shows interest in you as a person, something is amiss in the relationship.

Some of the danger signs that he doesn't love you
are more subtle than others. It takes a discerning mind to notice.  One involves conversations or dates. If you two are spending time together, whether it's talking, texting or you're together in person, who ends the exchange most of the time? If it's your boyfriend don't let that go unnoticed. Men who are in love have a very hard time letting go, even if it's just to say goodbye after a quick phone call. If he's crazy about you, he'll try and keep you with him for as long as he possibly can. If he's in a hurry to leave or to stop talking, his interest in you may not be as much as you think of hope.
The earlier you face the truth that he is not the man for you the better it would be for you. It is better to be with a man who is equally interested in you and appreciates you. Any man who cannot shower you with love, affection, respect and appreciation is not worth you. After all life is too short to be wasted on someone who does not love you.