Men — yes, men — crave more foreplay, according to a study from the University of New Brunswick, Canada. In the study, women assumed their partner wanted 13 minutes tops, while lo and behold, men claimed that 18 minutes was ideal.In other words, it pays to take your sweet time and indulge in the sensual smorgasboard foreplay can be. Here are some fun ways to prolong the agony and get him all riled up!
Taking Charge and Letting Him Watch You Seductively Undress: “When Cassie’s in the mood for lovemaking or for reminding me how sexy she is, she makes sure I see her undress. After raising her skirt above her thighs, she removes her stockings, running her hands along her calves as she pulls them down. Then she slowly unbuttons her blouse, giving me sexy looks between each button. Finally, she undoes her bra and cups her breasts as the straps fall off her shoulders. It makes me nuts.”—John, 40
“Sometimes she’ll grab my hand and take me to the bedroom. Then she’ll lay me down on the bed and have me watch her slowly undress. I love it when she takes charge. Plus, she’s usually wearing lingerie under her clothes, which makes me even hotter.” —Michael, 26
Dancing with Him: “She turns up the stereo really, really loud, she grabs me, and we dance around the house together. We have a favorite Sinatra CD that’s always ready to go full blast!” —Sean, 30
Sending Him Little Love Messages: “Occasionally she’ll page me and send the message ‘I want to [bleep] tonight.’ I love getting playful, devilish little notes like this. It lets me know that she’s going to be ready and raring to go when I get home.” —Paul, 27
Allowing Him Call the Shots: “Recently my sweetheart got me a gift certificate to Victoria’s Secret. She said, ‘Let’s go shopping — and you can buy anything you want me to wear.’ Being allowed to call the shots on the purchases we made was an amazing turn-on. That shopping spree was one long stretch of foreplay!” —Tyson, 28
Playing the Footsie Game: “My wife, Laura, plays a world-class game of footsie. She has beautiful feet and wears a lot of high heels. She runs the side of her foot up and down my calf, first on the outside of my leg, then the inside. Then she kicks off her shoes and caresses my legs with her bare feet. Her toes tickle my ankles. If we’re at home or sitting in the dark back booth of our favorite neighborhood pub, she puts her bare feet in my lap, and...I can’t stand up for a while afterward.” —Bill, 37
Adding "Sex Time" to His Schedule: “Once when I was putting in long hours at my job, I opened my date planner at work and found a note jotted down on that day’s page that said: ‘Sex @ 7 p.m.’ She must have taken my planner from my briefcase one night and written it in. Needless to say, I was home on time that night!” —Mike, 42
Being Daring: “One night my wife and I were out to dinner and we were sitting at a table, but she wouldn’t take off her coat. I asked her why and she said she couldn’t — and just stared at me. Turns out, all she was wearing was a trench coat and high heels. I couldn’t even eat; all I could think was, ‘This is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.’” —Tom, 31
Initiating Sex: “One time when we were watching a video on the sofa, she laid her head on my lap, took my hand and slowly kissed each of my fingers, keeping her eyes locked on mine the whole time. There was no mistaking what was on her mind, so I paused the movie.” —Mike, 37
Showcasing Your Sex Appeal: "Some women quit being sexy for their man after they get married, but Nancy has never stopped showing me how hot she is. She has this special walk that’s just for me, where she slowly struts around, with her hips swaying from side to side. When she comes home from work, she keeps the high heels on for 10 or 15 minutes — long enough so that she knows I’m getting an eyeful of that sexy walk. I want to take her straight to the bedroom." —Mark, 32

Lightly Brushing Yourself Against Him: “We were at a museum for a black-tie event, and I was feeling sharp with my wife on my arm. As we looked at a painting, she subtly brushed one of her breasts against my arm. At the next painting, she did it again — and yet again when we were in front of a sculpture. At this point we were both suppressing giggles because the well-heeled crowd was clueless about our devious behavior, which made her sneaky seduction even hotter. Finally, we ducked into an empty gallery room for a quick kiss, then took the shortest route possible to get our coats.” —Bill, 41
Creating a Right Atmosphere: “Every once in a while my wife will surprise me with the best possible gift: an at-home sex date. She’ll whisper, ‘The kids are staying at the baby-sitter’s overnight,’ and I’ll know exactly what our plans are that evening.” —Anthony, 33
Nurturing Him: “She loves to shave my beard before we make love. It’s so intimate and sensual having her body so close to mine as she runs the razor over my face. Plus, there’s something so nurturing about it; we always end up all over each other afterward.”—Mike, 36
Letting Him Find you in Bed Naked: “She got up from the couch, sighed loudly and said she was going to take a nap. She walked away, casually removing her clothes and looking over her shoulder at me. By the time I got to the bedroom, she was lying on the bed naked. She continued to ‘sleep’ as I began to kiss her. It was like an erotic dream brought to life!” —Mark, 32
Acting up and Playing Little Games with Him: “While we were out at dinner, she started playing a little game: She began acting as if we were meeting for the first time on a blind date, asking me questions and flirting with me. At first I thought this was silly, but I played along. Within a few minutes, she lost all of her inhibitions: She told the ‘stranger’ things she’d never said to me before, and even described what she liked best during sex. I got extremely excited. Playing along with her this way made me feel the thrill of the chase again and got me thinking how badly I wanted to get this ‘date’ into bed. We had the wildest sex that night — after I begged her to come in to see my CD collection." —Neal, 28
“One night I was in the living room and my wife called me. As I walked down the hallway, I noticed a line of Hershey’s Chocolate Kisses leading into the master bedroom, ending in an arrow pointing toward the bed. It was obvious she wanted to give me more than just kisses that night.”—Preston, 45
“Once when I arrived home, I saw a trail of roses leading to the bedroom. There, I found her waiting for me in bed with a smile that could only mean ‘Come and get me!’“ —John, 31
Kissing Him on the Least Expected Areas: “I love the way Jaime kisses my hand. First, she holds it, caressing the back of it with her thumb. Next, she raises my hand to her lips and presses them against the back of my hand, and then against my palm. And then she puts her mouth against the inside of my wrist as though she were taking my pulse with her lips. And she always gets that pulse rate up higher.” —Josh, 29
Paying Him a Surprise Visit in the Shower: “One morning while I was in the shower, my wife unexpectedly joined me and slowly soaped up my entire body. It was pretty obvious that getting clean wasn’t her top priority. I was so aroused I could barely wait to get her into bed.” —Keith, 36
Indulging in 'Quickies': “We were watching a football game, and after the second quarter ended, she said, ‘I’ve got a great idea for halftime.’ Then she grabbed my shirt collar and led me to our bed. Seeing her act so flirty and fun about sex reminded me what a vixen she is.” —William, 33
Surprising Him with Sex: “The alarm clock went off a half hour early one morning, and when I told her it was the wrong time, she smiled, turned it off and said, ‘No, it’s not.’ The rest is history." —Paul, 38
Letting Him Know How You Want it: “When I’m on top, Kelly puts her hands firmly on my butt, letting me know how fast or slow she wants me to move. When she’s ready, she pulls me deeply inside her. And her hands massage, caress, and even occasionally slap me. Talk about knowing you’re in good hands!” —Joe, 32
Letting Him "See" What's Happening: “Karla has a thing about pillows. We have about a dozen down pillows on our bed, and she uses them for adjusting her position during intercourse. But she also props me up with pillows behind my back when she performs oral sex. That way I can see everything she’s doing. Wow!” —Bruce, 40
Maintaining Physical and Emotional Connection during Orgasm: “Lola keeps her eyes open during her orgasm. Sometimes she bites her lip, gasps, pants, moans — but she never closes her eyes or turns her head away from me. She gives me everything through her eyes. That is such a gift. And it’s so exciting.” —Steve, 36
“Jenna puts her hand over my heart when she reaches orgasm before me. That little move fills me with love — and triggers my own release.” —Jeff, 35
Adapted from: Redbook's 500 Sex Tips by Judy Dutton
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