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Sunday, 31 May 2020

12 Pointers You're Dealing with An Evil Person

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The idea of what is evil can be hard to define.  For example, committing murder can be said to be evil but the same cannot be said to be if committed in self defense. Evil is not confined to gender, believe, or region.  Anyone can be evil.  It can also emanate from anywhere and  often from places or persons we least expect.  Evil persons are found in regular homes, even in places of worship.  Everywhere we look, evil is sure to be lurking somewhere.

However, a doer of evil is someone who does not see anything wrong in their action or even inaction causing pain to others around them.  While some do it subtly, others don't really care.  For the latter, evil is a way of life. But evil is, whether open or subtle, EVIL.

Although it is quite difficult to identify an evil person just by merely looking at them, there are warning signs they display when you meet and associate with them. Below are signs to look out for to identify an evil person:

1.  Control Issues:  This is a most common trait of evil people.  The need for control is more like the bedrock of almost all their actions.  Not being in control makes them feel uncomfortable and powerless and because they want to ensure they are always in control you, they will do anything, including being overly nice to you, just to get close and subsequently control you. 

2.  Habitual Dishonesty:  Evil people are pathological liars.  They will vehemently lie through their nose even when the truth stares them pat in the face.  The vehemence is fierce when the odds don't favor them.  Lies form their reality as they could lie without even realizing it. They will lie about you, about situations, about others, and about themselves with no regrets.

3.  They Deliberately Mislead:  You can never really tell who an evil person is.  You will never know what their next course of action would be; whether they are going to turnaround, go right or left or continue straight.  They do not give straightforward answers when queried about anything, be it even something as innocuous as their birth date.  In their attempt to mislead you, they twist and stretch facts that are obvious.  They create a world around them that you will have difficulty understanding or believing in. An evil person will never have issues with misleading you.

4.  They Enjoy the Misfortune of Others:  And this includes you.  They delight in misfortune.  Somehow, they get a high from seeing others pass through difficulty or pain. Therefore, it is never out of place for an evil person to create bad situations for you just so they can be able to relish the outcome. 

5.  Lack of Remorse:  An evil person will never be truly sorry for what they did to you.  If anything, they will do anything to guilt-trip you into thinking it is all your fault and you should be the one apologizing.  Evil people truly have no remorse and are never moved by the tears of the people they hurt. In reality, all they want to do is maintain their current position of controlling your life and apologizing will make them appear weak and fallible.

6.  Cruelty:  Evil people are often so cruel to the world and to everyone around them that they can't entrust any part of their lives to other human being because they fear same would be meted out to them in return.  When you defy the wishes of an evil person, they may not immediately show their distaste, however, they definitely will at some point when they are sure they can hurt you most.  It won't be a slap in the face but a kick to the heart.

7.  Lack of Responsibility:  Evil people do not have a moral compass.  They will do as they please at all times and will never feel responsible to what their actions could cause anyone.  If they feel any sort of blame, they will always redirect it immediately.

8.  Manipulation:  They are adept manipulators.  Often times, they will be nice to you just to get something they need at the moment from you.  What they need could be anything; money, sexual satisfaction, assistance, favour, anything, just name it.  Once this need is met, you do not matter to them until when the need arises again and they act of showing you kindness will commence.  Then the whole circle will repeat itself.  However, not every act of kindness stems from manipulation.  The difference is that, genuine acts of kindness do not expect anything in return as opposed to manipulative acts of kindness.

9.  Belittling Others:  The do this through emotional manipulation.  They ridicule your appearance, your efforts at self-development, your hopes, aspirations, hobbies, your dreams and believes;  almost anything can belittled by an evil person.

10.  They Lead Double Lives:  Their true lives are always hidden.  They become whoever they need to be, even on the spur of the moment, just to get what they want.  They lead hundreds of lives and are a different person to everyone. Therefore, no single person truly knows who they are. 

11.  They Don't Have Boundaries:  Anything goes for an evil person.  Just ANYTHING.  They are no respecters of anyone, thus they can cross every boundary at will.  

12.  They Feel and Act Omnipotent:  Because they have gotten you wrapped around their little finger, the evil person feels all powerful.  They build and possess the feeling that you can't do without them.  A single sign of resistance or rejection from you and they will employ all the arsenals at their disposal to force you to let them stay.

Do you wonder if an evil person can change?  The answer is yes.  Evil persons can change but they can only do it on their own when they are ready; when the stopped being close-minded and are ready to atone for what they've done, change begins. But you CAN'T make them change so don't even try.