Actress-turned-director, Angelina Jolie, has been open about her disbelief in God. In 2000, she said: "There doesn't need to be a God for me. There is something in people that's spiritual, that's godlike." But recently, Angelina has had a serious change of heart.
She has been directing the film 'Unbroken', a story about the life of WWII hero, Olympic athlete, and devout Christina Louis Zamperini. Angelina spent lots of time with Louis discussing his testimony and how he came to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and saviour. Then God sent her a miracle on-set!
Angelina desperately needed sun to shoot the very last scene of the movie, but the rain would not stop. That's when something truly amazing happened.
Louis Zamperini's daughter, Cynthia said, "She (Angelina) was not a person of faith and had never prayed before, but she found herself at the very last scene of the movie... they needed sunlight to shoot this very important scene and there had been a storm that had been going for a while.
Angelina said, 'I don't know what I'm going to do so I will do what Louie would do.' She got on her knees and she prayed for a miracle ... everybody saw it ... It stopped raining. The sun came out, a rainbow came out. She said, 'Let's get this take' and they shot the take. When she said 'cut', it started to rain again."
This was not the only sign that a seed was planted in Angelina's heart. When she heard that Louis Zamperini was on his deathbed, she rushed to the hospital. Sadly, she did not make it before the hero passed. But when she saw Louis' family, she "pointed above saying 'I know he's with us, I know he's there with God'."
Source: GodVine