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Sunday, 16 October 2016

How to Make Yourself Stay Faithful to Your Partner

Both men and women cheat in relationships. But it is a known fact that more men are more prone to cheat on their partners than women. But the point is not about who cheats more or who doesn't.  In the long run, someone gets terribly hurt where cheating occurs. Therefore, the significance of avoiding it cannot be overemphasized.

We are all wired differently, that is why, while it is easy for some people to fight the urge to cheat, others simply can't resist the temptation.  Below are some tips that could help you stay faithful to your partner.

Don't Try Denying the Feeling:  Start by accepting that you may feel attracted to someone other than your partner. Whether it's a pretty woman/handsome man at the gym or a cute co-worker, it is normal to feel attracted to other people and even fantasize about them. But while you can look at whoever you want, it is important to separate fantasy from reality. Do not make the feeling a reality.

Do not put yourself in a position where you may be tempted to cheat. If you feel sexually attracted to someone, for example, a work colleague, or you run into an Ex you still have feelings for, never meet them alone at the office, a restaurant, a secluded location or at their home.

Weigh the Pros and Cons of your actions:  Recognize that cheating on your partner would deeply hurt them and may even spell the end of your relationship because only few relationships survive infidelity. So try putting their feelings before yours, or try placing yourself in their position, you may recognize that cheating on your partner is not worth the pain it may cause them to feel or even worth your entire relationship.

Determination:  Determine never to cheat no matter how strong the desire to is.  Giving in to cheating is like having eggs at home and ordering same at an eatery.  Whether it is fried or boiled, in the long run what you will consume is egg.  You leave eggs at home to have eggs elsewhere - ask yourself what's the point.

Communication: Ask them how their day at work was or what they want to do over the weekend. If you need to talk about deeper subjects, don't be afraid to share them with your partner. Having an open communication system with your partner will help you maintain a strong bond with each other.

Keep the Fire of Romance Burning:  Keep the romance in your relationship alive. For example, prepare a romantic dinner for your partner one night. Cook them their favorite meal and surround the table with candles and flowers. After you are finished eating, prepare them a bubble bath and gently stroke their hair as they relax. When you are intimate with your partner, you are showing them that you love to be around them.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

E Don Happen.... What Won't Chatting on the Phone Cause?

A Saudi Arabian bride was divorced by her husband just within minutes of their marriage because she was too busy chatting with her friends on her phone to consummate the marriage.

The groom took his bride back to their hotel room after the ceremony in the city of Jeddah, but apparently felt ignored when he tried to get intimate with her and was pushed away by his wife because she was trying to respond to congratulatory messages from friends on her phone.  A relative told Saudi daily Al Watan on May 17, 2016.

The relative said:
"Following the marriage ceremony, the groom took his bride to the hotel where they had booked a room."

"However, as soon as the bride was in the room, she kept using her mobile.  Her groom tried to get closer with her and become more intimate, but he was shocked when she ignored him, not responding to his words and action.  When he asked her about the reasons, she answered that she was busy communicating with her friends who were congratulating her on her marriage on the mobile.  The groom asked her to delay the messages, but she refused and became angry.  When he asked her if her friends were more important than he was, the bride answered that they were."