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Thursday, 24 July 2014

Pro-Palestinian Protesters Attack Israeli Football Team

Pro-Palestinian protesters attack Israeli football players in Austria. 
Pro-Palestinian protesters, said to be of Turkish origin ran into the football pitch in the Austrian stadium where the game was played and headed for the Israeli players sparking ugly incidences.  The Israeli football team Maccabi Haifa were playing a friendly game against French side Lille.  The game had to be stopped, with Lille leading 2-0, after pro-Palestinian protesters stormed the pitch and attacked the Israelis with flying kicks.

Some Maccabi players reportedly fought back as did coach Aleksander Stanojevic.

A Maccabi player hitting back.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Mother and Daughter Fight Over Boyfriend in Delta State, Nigeria

Like, seriously?

A middle aged woman, identified simply as Monica, and her daughter have engaged in what can only be described as a show of shame after they fought in public over a man.

The trouble was said to have started when the mother was caught in bed with her 17-year-old daughter’s boyfriend.

The mother allegedly snatched the daughter's boyfriend who is said to be working in one of the oil companies in Warri.

The situation, which happened around the St. Brigid's Girls' College axis of Asaba, the Delta State capital, then deteriorated into a public fight with the duo creating a scene.

The mother and daughter were said to have exchanged blows and engaged in name calling in an incident which was witnessed by passers-by and deemed an embarrassment by a family member of the duo involved.

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Little Known Fact About Cristiano Ronaldo

Real Madrid star striker Cristiano Ronaldo has confessed that he does not have tattoos in order to be able to donate blood, which he does twice a year.
Now that's awesome!

It is worth mentioning that this precaution is taken by medics against the possible cross-contamination and diseases like Hepatitis. 

Netanyahu's Speech to Hamas' Prime Minister

Binyamin Netanyahu just made the following speech in front of the Knesset:

To Ismail Haniya, and the leaders and operatives of Hamas:

We, the people of Israel, owe you a huge debt of gratitude. You have succeeded where we have failed. Because never before, in the history of the modern State of Israel, has the Jewish people been so united, like one person with one heart. You stole three of our most precious children, and slaughtered them in cold blood. But before we could discover the horrible truth, we had 18 days of pain and anxiety while we searched for them, during which our nation united as never before, in prayer, in hopes, in mutual support.

And now, as you continue to launch deadly missiles indiscriminately, intended to maim and murder as many civilians as possible, while you take cowardly refuge behind your own civilians - you continue to
inspire us to hold strongly onto our newly discovered unity. Whatever disputes we Jews may have with each other, we now know that we have one common goal: we will defeat you. But we are offering you now one last chance. Within 24 hours , all rocket fire - and I mean all rocket fire - will cease. Completely. Forever.

I give you formal notice that our tanks are massed at the Gaza border, with artillery and air support at the ready. We have already dropped leaflets over the northern parts of the Gaza strip, warning civilians of

our impending arrival, and that they should evacuate southward, forthwith. If you fail to meet our ultimatum, we are coming in, and, with God's help, this time we will not leave. Every centimetre of land
that we conquer will be annexed to Israel, so that there will never be another attack launched at our civilians from there.

Even so, we will continue to keep the door open to allow you to surrender gracefully. The moment you announce that you are laying down arms, we will halt our advance, and there we will draw our new borders. If you continue to attack our citizens, we will continue to roll southwards, driving you out of territory that you will never again contaminate with your evil presence.

It pains me deeply that your civilians will be made homeless. But we did not choose this war; you did. And if our choice is between allowing our citizens to be targeted mercilessly by your genocidal savagery, versus turning your civilians into refugees, I regret that we must choose the latter. If only you loved your people as much as you hate ours, this war would never have happened.

To the rest of the world: Israel has tired of your ceaseless chidings that we should "show restraint". When you have your entire population under constant missile fire from an implacable enemy whose stated goal is to murder every man, woman and child in your
land, then you may come and talk to us about "restraint". Until then, we respectfully suggest that you keep your double standards to yourselves. This time, Hamas has gone too far, and we will do whatever we have to in order to protect our population.

Hamas, once again, I thank you for bringing our people together with such clarity of mind and unity of purpose. The people of Israel do not fear the long road ahead.

Am Yisrael Chai. — with Ruthie McGee.

Source: Savannah Reports

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Crucial Things ALL Men Need to Know About Women


Women are a precious gift from God but there are some things that all men need to know. Women are by far the deeper and more powerful of the two sexes. No matter how strong a man thinks he is, he is like butter in the hands of a woman that he loves. It is only a woman that can carry a child for nine months and raise that child to adulthood and yet until the day that that woman dies only she will know the real father of that child. Women are more discerning than men, more calculating, more thoughtful, more spiritual, more loyal, and more disciplined and they can handle emotional pain and psychological torture far better than men. A woman can suffer trauma, deprivation, shame, sheer cruelty and beatings from a man and still stay with him simply for the sake of the children. A woman can do anything and take anything for, or from, a man that she truly loves. A woman can be the most vicious and dangerous of all God's creatures when she is hurt and scorned and when her love is not returned.

A woman in a position of power can be a dangerous thing because more often than not she is motivated by emotion and not reason or logic. If wars were to be fought by women they would never end. The greatest weapon that the devil has in his armoury are the daughters of Jezebel and Dalilah, those beautiful yet evil seducers whose mission in life is to destroy men that are called to greatness by God. The greatest weapon that God has in his arsenal are the daughters of Zion, those beautiful, wise, prayerful, discerning, prudent, patient, kind, loyal women who are faithful unto death and who are the enforcers and guardians of God's purpose in the lives of men.

A woman can kill a man that she has lived with all her life, simply because he never returned her love and a woman can kill for or die for a man who loves her and stands by her through thick and thin. If you are rich, pretend that you are poor to a woman and you will know her true nature. If you are poor, pretend that you are rich to a woman and you will know what she is really after. A woman that abandons a man when he is going through difficulties is not worth taking back when those challenges have been overcome. Beware of a woman's love, for at the slightest hurt, it can turn to hate. Women gossip and talk, yet a woman keeps deeper secrets than any man.

When a woman says "no" she actually means "maybe" and when she says "maybe" she actually means "yes". A woman that betrays or seeks to destroy, ridicule or shame her husband or lover destroys and diminishes her own spirit and wounds her own soul; not only is she not worthy of being loved by any, but she is not the material for a man of destiny, she is not of the stuff that true women are made. A great king with a great army can overrun nations and yet can be mastered and overwhelmed by the mere touch and whisperings of a loving woman. The love of Helen of Troy caused the launch of a thousand ships and the love of any woman can cause a man to slaughter. Women are a gift from God to men, but like all gifts they must be pampered, loved and given all your attention otherwise they begin to look elsewhere for such nourishment and care. Out of every specie of animal ever created by God, it is always the female gender of that animal that is the most vicious and dangerous and yet it is also the female of that specie that protects and raises the offspring in loving care.

You cannot police a woman or really know her movements for she can be the greatest deceiver: if she really wants to play, she will go ahead and play and no matter the efforts that her man makes, it is only by divine intervention that he will ever know. A woman is moved by touch whilst a man is moved by sight. A woman will die for her children and guard her home with all she has. A woman craves for security and commitment above all else and without these two she cannot truly be happy. A woman gives, a woman takes, a woman laughs, a woman cries, yet through all this only she alone knows what is really in her heart. A woman can heave and moan in the throes of orgasmic passion, yet deep down she feels nothing at all but pity and contempt for the lover that she is deceiving. A woman can lie still and say she feels nothing yet her heart trembles and races and her senses come alive and quiver deeply just at the sound and by the touch of the man that she truly desires. That is a woman for you: they can be a snare or a blessing. They can bring joy or pain. They can wound or they can heal. They are a beautiful contradiction of love and hate and we men simply cannot live without them.

A woman can only appreciate a man after she has been with another. A woman will make you feel that you are in charge yet with sweet words and with guile and cunning she silently controls everything and everyone around you. Women are the shield, the defender and the foundation of the home. Even as the man is the head, the woman is the neck without which it would fall. The greatest mistake that any man could ever make is to underestimate or treat with levity the power of a woman. For it is only a dullard or a fool that could honestly believe that he can confine a woman to having babies and to simply cooking in the kitchen. A woman is irrepressable, unbeatable,unfathomable, irresistable and unknowable and my advice to every man is to cherish her, to love her and to grant her, her hearts deepest desires. That is the secret to a woman's heart and what more is there to say, other than for us to admit that the woman is the true hero of our lives and to simply agree that we must appease and worship them and do all we can to keep those pretty smiles on their beautiful yet dangerous faces.

By Femi Fani-Kayode

Friday, 11 July 2014

Lagos State Police Rescue a 9-year-old from Child Traffickers

The Lagos state Police Command yesterday, July 10, 2014, presented 9-year-old Blessing a.k.a. Iyabo Farouk (pictured above) who they rescued from being sold by a three female child trafficking syndicate in Lagos.

Lagos state Police Commissioner Umaru Abubakar Manko while presenting the little girl to newsmen at the Ikeja Headquarters of the command said she was abducted from her parents about 3 years ago and has been sold to different people where she has served as a maid.

Her Abductors